Welcome to the 7th issue of CFHU’s JERUSALEM CALLING, a series of video reports from the 2019 Board of Governors (BOG) activities at Hebrew University.

This latest instalment, the final one from the 2019 BOG, features HU’s tribute to Montreal’s Ben Horwood, concluding comments from CFHU National Chair Monette Malewski and a wrap-up from Jerusalem Calling reporter Robert Sarner.

HU honours Canada’s Ben Horwood

On the Mount Scopus campus, at the dedication of inscriptions at the Wall of Life, overlooking Jerusalem, Hebrew University leaders pay tribute to Montreal resident and generous benefactor Ben Horwood for his decades of support of HU. Following the ceremony, CFHU’s Robert Sarner spoke with Ben about his deep involvement with Hebrew U.

Videographer: Liri Cohen Harounoff

BOG draws to a close on a high note

On the final day of Hebrew University’s 82nd Board of Governors, CFHU National Chair, Monette Malewski, shared her impressions with Jerusalem Calling following the Wall of Life ceremony on Mount Scopus. A short while later, CFHU’s Robert Sarner filed his concluding report.

Videographer: Liri Cohen Harounoff