Hebrew University Speaks - Dr. Ayelet Landau

Welcome to the sixth segment of Hebrew University Speaks, CFHU’s monthly video series featuring thought-provoking, informative and entertaining presentations by HU faculty.

Our previous instalment presented Dr. Amit Zoran showcasing his efforts with Digital Gastronomy and the future of food.

This month’s segment offers a look into how brain chatter affects how we experience the world and how our brain selectively filters through the chatter using rhythm in attention.

Brain rhythm and attention

How much of our brains do we actually use? Can we really talk over the phone and drive at the same time? And what is brain chatter? Dr. Ayelet Landau talks about her exciting research into the rhythmic nature of our perceptions.

Dr. Landau joined Hebrew University in 2014 as a senior lecturer in the Departments of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences. Since 2010, she’s been a postdoctoral fellow at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience in cooperation with the Max Planck Society in Frankfurt, Germany. Prior to this, she did her PhD in cognition, brain and behaviour, at the University of California, Berkley. Her laboratory utilizes non-invasive physiology methods to investigate neural mechanisms and behavioural phenomena associated with spatial attention and the perception of time.

To learn more about Dr. Landau, click here or on the graphic below to visit her lab page and explore the projects she and her team are working on.

Landau Lab