Thanks to the generosity of Toronto-based real estate developer Julie Di Lorenzo, a deserving Canadian student will receive as much as $3,500 every year starting in the 2025-2026 school year. Preference will be given, but not limited to students pursuing Judaic Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  

Ms. Di Lorenzo felt immediately connected to Rabbi Schild after a memorable encounter with him in 2004. “I first heard him speak at an awards ceremony for the late Dr. Arnold Noyek, a dear friend and a renowned ear, nose and throat specialist who established CISEPO, an organization dedicated to providing equal access to medicine in Middle Eastern Countries.

“I felt peace from his words. I am a deeply spiritual person who believes in God and I felt his words were inspired by goodness. He is soft-spoken and his intellect is deep. His heart is pure and he is courageous” Ms. Di Lorenzo says about the 103-year Rabbi.

Ms. Di Lorenzo and Rabbi Schild
Ms. Di Lorenzo and Rabbi Schild

When Ms. Di Lorenzo expressed an interest in the Rabbi’s work and philosophy, he sent her some of the books he had written.  

When she made the donation in March 2023, she also had her grandmother in mind, who was from a Jewish family in Italy. “I loved and admired her courage and dignity,” says Ms. Di Lorenzo, adding that her grandmother played a key role in her upbringing.  

Rabbi Schild, who is a stalwart Jewish community leader in addition to being an author, could not be happier with his friend’s contribution. “She is a wonderful benefactor of all good causes,” he says. “She supports so many of them.”  

He is pleased that she chose Hebrew University over other institutions because “it has a very good reputation. I’m very much in favour of supporting it” he says.   

The Canadian Friends of Hebrew University are grateful for Ms. Di Lorenzo’s meaningful donation, and hope that the students who benefit from the fund in the future will draw inspiration from the enduring friendship between Ms. Di Lorenzo and Rabbi Schild.   

Click here to donate to The Rabbi Erwin Schild Student Scholarship Fund