100 Alumni We Love

Reflections on My Time at Hebrew University

By Leah Michalopulos, Ottawa

Leah Michalopulos

I knew I wanted to visit Israel after taking a class on Zionism as an undergraduate student studying International Relations the University of Toronto. This class sparked an intense curiosity to learn more about a place I realized I knew so little about beyond the occasional news headline. I jumped then at the opportunity to take a summer semester abroad at Hebrew University and I am grateful for the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University bursary that helped make it possible.

The summer semester at HU was an unforgettable and wonderful time. The HU program offered so many opportunities to experience and to learn about Israel, its diverse cultures, and its multitude of intricacies and contradictions.

The professors were knowledgeable and passionate about teaching and I made friends there with whom I remain connected to this day. Overall, the semester at HU reminded me of my love of learning and of why I wanted to study International Relations in the first place.

I will always be thankful for my time at HU and I am proud to be able to call myself an HU alum.

  • Leah is Manager, U.S. Affairs and Grid Security at the Canadian Electricity Association in Ottawa